• I thought I had everything, a great relationship both sexual and spiritual until I attended Quodoushka 1. It has really opened up a whole new dimension and direction that my life is bound to take on without a doubt.

    Shayne H
  • About Q2 Very interesting theory on relationship.  I found very useful and enriching to hear about the male & female particularities and functioning. I wish I would have heard that 20years ago, as it might have saved the union of the father of our children and I. I gained a lot of insights from this workshop that will surely help me to center myself and positively impact healthier ways of relating with men.

  • Just Come So different to Q1 – I feel a sense of maturity & preparedness for engaging in relationships and ability to hold the space for those around me and the energies they present without sacrificing my sense of self.

  • Why Come To A Quodoushka Weekend Q is all about who you are and what you are seeking in life!  It’s the intent you bring to Q. that defines what you receive & how you receive! For me, I came with darkness or a big hole in my knowledge, i.e life, (love for self and love in relationships)  Physical it is in an absurd way I got clarity to where I am, what is it that matters in relationships now to become eligible for attraction, conversion & retention. It’s a mind blowing weekend! Highly recommend it!  

  • Extremely powerful!  I came in unsure and skeptical.  I left in love with myself, my partner and my relationship. Thankyou,

    Tim Devine
  • The Q’s are all about self-empowerment.  If you want to connect with your innate energy and create a life you love, then the Q’s are for you

    Nicolas Spad
  • I feel like I’ve been given the keys to a new universe.  It’s a universe of pleasure, abundance, connectedness and self-love. The teaching of Quodoushka are so powerful and transformative and I feel like I’m on the edge of a cliff but someone has handed me a pair of wings and taught me how to fly.  I am excited for the rest of my life!

  • Theres so much to say I dont know exactly where to start. This stuff should be taught in high schools. So much knowledge shared in such a safe space where there is no such thing as a silly question. A little bit like the frog in the pot, you jump in feeling safe and the heat is slowly turned up taking you on an adventure to the unknown. I learnt so much about myself exploring the mystery of certain patterns and also things that have happened in my body. The facilitators are so engaging, entertaining and informative the time passes effortlessly. So blessed to have gifted myself this weekend. This training can change the world.

  • I would recommend this workshop to anyone who feels that fear is holding them back from not only relationships, but anything in life.

  • What I got from doing the Q1 is access to the eternal wise deep soulful space of my heart my gifts my knowing that comes from deep inside beyond what my head thinks. The Q1 gave me freedom, peace, love. It has feed my soul. I feel nourished, filled up and in love in ways I always craved but never had access to. It has healed my past and granted me safe, loving, passionate juicy access to a bold sex life - and sexual life - all of it. I finally feel like myself. I have fallen in love with me. I would recommend Quodoushka to everyone - and especially anyone interested in powerful, soulful, fun, playful tantalizing sex in all aspects of life. In short I would recommend Q1 to anyone who wants to be fully alive.

    Sarah Marshall, ND Doctor Naturpathic Medicine
  • This experience was a magical and transformative. Every moment was full of life changing wisdom and teachings. You all were fun, passionate and beautiful! I will most definitely be continuing on to Q2 and I would love to attend another Q1. I will be recommending this workshop. Love to you all

    Amy Dawson
  • Great experience, great healing on my spirit and body. I transform my view of sex. It was a magical and respectful place. I felt very safe to explore and learn. It filled all my expectations and more.

  • Q1 has helped me to discover myself as a man, and give greatness to others. It is something that I can bring into my relationships with my family and others & encounter in my daily life.

  • Q1 opened the door to a world that I've dreamed of for many years. Self-love, acceptance, and openness only begin the list of emerging transformations I experienced this weekend. Maybe I felt I needed permission I'm not sure. All I know is that taking the leap of faith going to the Q1 landed me face to face with my authentic, true nature as a loving sexual sensuous being. Many blessings

  • After experiencing multiple Q1's I'm still experiencing expansion and new learnings within myself. There is always an opportunity to heal in every and any Quodoushka! Thankyou

  • Profound, fun, life-changing and rich. The teachers bring impeccability and embodied wisdom. A privilege to attend.

  • The level of integrity and honesty held during Q2 was profound. It opened the space for incredible healing and magic to occur. Deeping vulnerability and connection.

  • If you are having ANY sort of relationship issue, ie inside your marriage, committed partnership etc. whether it is sex, arguing, money, parenting, vitality or self expression. The Q2 with John, Kristen & Mukee where to put and end to the war of the sexes - to truly learn to celebrate the differences between male & female. Man and woman in our natural states. To make peace between us and learn to embrace our differences as compliments not insults. P.S. I also had my first full body orgasm!! 🙂

  • Q2. The next step on the path to having a happier and more fulfilling life with yourself and all those who interact with you. The journey is the important part not the goal. We are all on different paths and when those paths merge the world will be a better place.

  • The Q2 is for people who are interested in what is next in human evolution, people who are interested in a peaceful, harmonious world and people who desire co-empowering relationships. Q2 presents opportunities to discover the expanded potential of what it is to be a human being living from the created dimension of dharma rather than the old, patterned and conditioned realm of karma. Q2 is a doorway to learning from the path of pleasure rather than from pain.

  • Q2 offers a different, meaningful, and exciting way to view your relationships or to more deeply build your desire for one. Know your own energies and beliefs and understand the differences that may be present with your partner. Become more fully aware of Self, find the realm differences between karma and dharma.

  • A ceremony that will challenge, open and free you. I became clear, for the first time in my life, on life long patterns that have caged me, and made strides towards their resolution. Potent.

  • If you have even the slightest curiosity of what it could be like to open yourself up and have your beauty and shinning adored, celebrated? encouraged by other HUMANS, go to Q2.

    RP Fan
  • My understanding of women has taken a whole new level after Q2!! Seeing the instinctual differences between masculine and feminine, and gaining tools to enhance our connection... I'll be back for more!

  • The Q2 opened my mind, body and spirit to receiving my beloved.

    MC-Boulder, Co
  • Q2 was fun, fulfilling and rich with opportunity to have my reflections starkly presented to me so I could more deeply experience & understand my edges & know where I need to focus my attention for growth. Most importantly, it continues to expose me to a sex-positive spiritual tradition that teaches me its ok to be who I am and ok to want the things I desire.

  • Q2 is a deep dive into the nature of creating being in dharmic relationship that everyone can use to enhance the quality of their relating.

  • The Q2 helped me transform relational differences & obstacles into bridges of connection.

  • “In one weekend of time I transformed from a silly child in the area of my sexuality to a functioning adult. I have so many new tools to incorporate into my life with my husband. It was magical! It was honoring, and I recommend it highly to everyone.

    Dian B., entrepreneur
  • “I have done all kinds of transformative work. Nothing has given me the kind of direct access to my naturally powerful, loving self like the Q1. I recommend this course for any human being who knows there is more to their lives and power than their traditional‚ western education. The Q1 beautifully captures, conveys, and makes available to western ears what sages have said about sacred sexuality without being abstract or weird. Thank you for the gift of my true sacred sexual self!”

    C. Lambert, Consultant
  • “I’ve learned that sexuality is sacred, very powerful and goes beyond the initial view of what’s “sexual”.  The joyful experience often associated with classic images of sex, I’ve learned, is valuable and available through activities as normal and common as breathing — and the benefits of these simple joyful experiences are health, happiness, connection to what I call “god”, and connection with all experience of loving, being loved, and being an incredible, precious human being.”

    K.F. senior living specialist
  • “Such beautiful & profound knowledge, that is so practical. It has brought greater clarity and simplicity to my life, that I will never be the same. It addresses the subtle issues that are present in life but are not dealt with and blends them with deep understanding, healing and heart. Blessings to all on the path.”

    Michelle Baxter
  • “These workshops have helped me know who I am and open to and connect to the love inside me and everyone, not to mention all the very practical and enlightening teachings on what we humans are all about.”

    Patricia O’Callaghan
  • “I would highly recommend this to anyone who wanted to heal and expand their sexual experience.”

    Stephen Wright
  • “This workshop has given me the opportunity to finally heal many pieces of myself in a fun, pleasurable, safe environment. The impact on my life will be profound. I’ve also met many new friends for life!”

    Lee Harrington
  • “Doing the Q’s has completely changed my relationship with self, life and others and opened a world of wonder and magic I never knew existed.”

    Heather Stewart
  • “The Quodoushka teachings are essential for all people who wish to learn how to and experience being healed and contained in their own life force energy, and then how to express that powerful creative essence in beauty.”

    Shannon Mahon
  • “I have learnt life changing skills I can use every day in relationship with all around me- family and workmates. I understand my own sexual energy and have better awareness of the feminine.”

  • “A beautiful safe space which allows me to heal the past, explore the present and look forward to my future journey within my sexuality and expression.”

    Sonia Weston
  • “Everyone who will come to these teachings will unfurl like a beautiful lotus flower that grows from mud upon the waters of the morning sun.”

    Venus Storm
  • “The teachings are so deep and direct I really appreciate that. For me it’s the fastest way to grow! Thankyou.”

    Catherine Serpent Fire Woman
  • “No other experience in my life has accelerated my personal journey towards being a sex god, as much as the Quodoushka programs.”

    Callan Burgess
  • “I came to clear the cobwebs around my stories, to myself, about relationships. And to bring me closer to my own relationship with self. Ground me into my body and to open up to learning through pleasure ho! I know this was successful for me and mine. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

    love Mia
  • “Taking the time in such a space enabled me to gain the clarity to come from my being, not in head, in resolving the life choices I had felt so stuck in before doing Q1. I can only imagine how the new few weeks will unfold. Thank you.”

  • “These teachings are an exquisitely beautiful and profound experience. I am so deeply touched and grateful to those teachers who share this knowledge with such beauty and respect. I dance this into my life.”

  • “I have been engaged in personal and spiritual exploration and growth for many years and have taken many courses, workshops and seminars. While most of these have been effective, the Q1 went right to my core. It is intuitive and true and has helped me discover much about myself.  I have a new freedom and a wide new world to explore and grow. It is my new path for growth and I look forward to the next teaching.”

    Willy Korp, Information Systems Engineer
  • “An essential life training for all human beings whatever age. A much needed teaching to clean up the current mess/confusion around the whole area of sex/sexuality in society. I will be suggesting to my daughters that they attend Q1 as a basic life skills/education program. An essential teaching for all couples in relationship, entering relationship or exiting relationship. Plus, much more. Words cannot describe the importance of this teaching to mankind.”

    Bruce Irvine, Company Director
  • “Having over 30 years completed a myriad of workshops, this is by far the most powerful, useful‚ workshop for embodiment of a joyful blissful life.”

    Diane Ryan, Psychotherapist
  •   “One of the most profound sexual healing trainings I’ve done. The usefulness and integrity of the material is a great gift.”

    Anna Marti, Sexual Intimacy Coach
  •   “My sexuality exploded this weekend. I saw more, learned more, felt more, experienced more than I ever have in my life!”

    Alene, facilitator
  •   “I was completely moved by this experience. My sexuality has been reawakened. I feel as though a weight has been lifted as a result of the healing that occurred here. I feel alive and energized.”

    Peggy Hedstrom, Executive Director
  •   “Truly an amazing weekend. Profound is not enough of a word to describe these teachings. World leaders should all be required to go through this in order to lead the human race.”

    Jim, business owner
  •   “I found this program a safe way to explore my sexuality through the ritual and sacred container all exercises were structured with. Each day offered me a new challenge. It gave me an opportunity to identify and fulfill many fantasies.”

    Fredi Alesseo, Teacher/ Therapist
  •   “It would be hard to participate in this program and not have some profound insights and improvements in your sexuality as well as your overall approach to life.”

    Howard Ripy,  Retired Business Manager
  •   “This was the most concise, succinct and beautiful experience I have had, combining the spiritual with the physical has been a missing link in my life. I have been exploring opportunities for expansion within myself with teachings which focus on what resides within each of us and combining all the elements of existence.”

    Susan Soto, Sensual/Erotic Bodywork
  •   “It was too powerful to put into words. Such a sacred and joyful space for healing. It is hard to imagine having experienced so much more of myself in just a short weekend. One of the most precious experiences of my life.”

    Ronnie Wilson
  •   “I felt like going back to school (grade 1) to learn the why, hows and possibilities about the area of my sexuality. It is profound, impactful and life changing.”

    Linda Endin
  •   “Anyone with an open mind can benefit hugely from a Q1.”

    Martin Burch, Community Support Worker for adults with learning disabilities
  •   “I came to this Q open-minded and revved with anticipation, but really did not expect any real life-changing epiphanies – I was so wrongly surprised! I’ve touched places in my inner being that I never thought I would. I came away form this forum not only as a better, more confident lover, but as a person as well.”

    Tony Davino
  •   “Q helped me to find me and be me and change my life so it’s much more the very way I want in all 5 aspects.  It’s the most powerful and fast transformation process I’ve ever experienced in the 10 years I’ve been participating in and teaching self-development.”

    K. M. Kron,  Business Management Consultant
  •   “The teachings here better the world through individual transformation and its effect on their immediate circle.”

    Robert “Stalking Cougar” Baker,  Truck Driver
  •   “I was able to release my shame and increase my self love and experience a newfound freedom in my sexual expression. ‘If you only take one workshop, take the Q,’ as my mentor said, and I wholeheartedly agree!”

    Jen Mathisen
  •   “My Q1 experience has moved me into a place of deep reverence with my body. Words feel lacking to express the grace I feel. My body returns to innocence and gentleness. At the same time, I am opened to the amazing potential of the temple of God I have been gifted to reside in this lifetime, and the life forces that rest within. To receive this gift, of myself in this way, reaches beyond my beyond, and from my willingness to walk into my unknowingness. I didn’t know anything of the workshop, what would be taught, what we would do. I simply knew I needed to be there. I found a key “missing link” in my journey to wholeness, my need to fully embody my spiritual knowings through uniting with my body, including with the sacred sexual. Over the course of my journey, I have been privileged to work with many masterful teachers. Those who facilitated Q1 were among the very best I have encountered. They held a perfect space for awakening to the sexual self in the context of the sacred.”

    Joy G.
  •   “Quodoushka has been the single most powerful force in providing me with tools and a framework for thinking and living as fully as possible. It has touched the core of my being. Since embarking on this journey of transformation, everyone I know has marveled at the changes they see in me, bringing smiles of quiet gratitude. I now have strategies and hope fully alive person I’ve always dreamed of being.”

    Shirlee, Speech-Language Pathologist
  •   “I was absolutely amazed by the information that the Quodoushka group has brought together from various sources who educate people on subjects that are usually taboo for people to talk about. This is a course I would recommend for every man and woman at the earliest age of their life so as to prevent hang-ups and misconceptions. The discussions and exercises were frank, direct, revealing and helpful for everyone attending. The three seminar leaders were superb; the entire choreography of the session would make a smash documentary movie. We were all grateful for the knowledge that the seminar leaders shared with us. Other then that, you and your team were fabulous.”

    John, Attorney at Law
  •   “Thank you for a wonderful experience. During the workshop my heart opened to a new level. Each of you offered a safe and wonderful place for us to explore and experience our sexual and emotional needs. My experience was heightened since I shared it with my lovely life partner. Despite some contraction afterward, we have re-energized our relationship , knowing that we will do whatever it takes to meet each other’s needs. Having attended many wonderful sexual and self-awareness workshops in the past 20 years, without question, this one topped my list.”

    Russel, Investor
  •   “Today is Sunday, and I . . . we all started our opening goal statements for the workshop sitting in the opening circle. Today is Sunday and I am sitting in the closing circle of my second 4-day Quodoushka workshop. My opening goal statement pales, compared to what I experienced and what I achieved: “Today is Sunday”, I reflect, “and I am happy!” Not happy as in just having received a nice compliment, or just having gotten a raise or just having treated myself to a bit of luxury. Not that kind of fleeting happiness. It is a much more profound happiness that stems from feeling whole. I realize that – without any shame and without any pretense – I am proud of myself, of who and what I am with all my faults and gifts, failures and successes. And that I have tools now, to continue on my path.”

    Mat, 45, Physicist
  •   “WHAT I ENJOYED THE MOST . . . What I feared most gave me access to my greatest joy and passion . . . The staff were impeccable – their love, humility, generosity, wisdom and magic allowed miracles to become the natural expression of life . . . Openness . . . The slow safe way that the container was created . . . I felt very served, provided for and supported . . . Loving kindness . . . Professionalism, intellect, fun, energetic, kindness . . . I greatly appreciate the immaculate and high level of intellect and spirituality . . . The sacred honoring space that was created for healing and actualization . . . The energy generated and the (several) totally unexpected revelations about my individual space in this universe . . . Extremely professional . . . A tremendous amount of wisdom which was shared in a beautiful ceremonial way . . . No other experience in my life has accelerated my personal journey towards being a sex god . . . A beautiful safe space which allows me to heal the past, explore the present and look forward to my future journey within my sexuality and expression . . . These teachings are an exquisitely beautiful and profound experience. I am so deeply touched and grateful to those teachers who share this knowledge with such beauty and respect.”

  • “In three SHORT days and an evening, I had the opportunity and experience of learning about sexuality and in particular my sexuality in a loving safe environment. The opportunity to have an adult conversation regarding sexuality created the space to remember how to “play” again. I absolutely recommend it!.”

    Joel, executive
  • “Q1 introduced me to an incredibly true, honest, heartfelt and sexually empowering path of enlightenment. The experience helped me shed my personal barriers and inhibitions. The Q empowers you in all arenas of your life. I found new and incredibly powerful ways to connect sexually with my partner.”

    DW, architect
  • “I was hesitant to attend Q1 at first, but decided to support my partner by attending with her. I can say with 100% integrity that the Q program has increased my sexual IQ, improved my relationship with my partner and put me in deeper connection with my Self. I will absolutely attend Q2, and literally cannot wait.” 

    Matthan Felice
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